CALA had its’ roots with a road association on Indian Lake Road back in the 1970’s. When the township took over the road in 1998, CALA changed priorities to becoming more environmentally oriented and opened up the association to Benson and all Indian Lake residents including Chaffey’s Lock residents and businesses.
In 2016, CALA was in danger of disappearing completely. Believing that there was even more of a need for CALA than in the past, a group of five individuals formed a new executive. The primary focus from that point was to network with other Lake Associations and government agencies that have programs pertaining to the health of the lakes – especially those concerned with shorelines, water quality and fish habitats. As there were other lakes in the area that do not have Lake Associations, membership opportunities were extended to property owners on Benson, Clear, Newboro, Opinicon, Sand Lake, and most recently Whitefish Lake.