Freshwater lakes are essential for ecological function and social economic needs. The state of a shoreline is important to the overall health of a lake and to the people and wildlife that call it home.
Love Your Lake is a shoreline evaluation program developed by Watersheds Canada and the Canadian Wildlife Federation. The program promotes shoreline stewardship by helping property owners protect, restore, and maintain their shorelines in an environmentally responsible way, thereby improving the health of their lake.
After a successful program on Opinicon Lake in 2023, CALA will once again be partnering with Watersheds Canada to run the Love Your Lake program on Benson Lake, Clear Lake, and Indian Lake.
For anyone participating in the Love Your Lake program in 2024, please use this link for the Values Survey. (The link originally sent by mail has been disabled.)
Follow this link to read the Love Your Lake report on Opinicon Lake.
For more information on Love Your Lake please visit the Watersheds Canada website.