The Rideau Waterway Land Trust has a wonderful opportunity to acquire and
conserve over 200 acres of unspoiled natural beauty off of Dargavel Road as a
Nature Reserve with a potential community-use trail system. This stunning property
has high biodiversity with wetlands, mature forests, and meadows. Teeming with
wildlife, this reserve would be a haven for species-at-risk such as the Gray
Ratsnake, Eastern Wood-Pewee, Eastern Whip-poor-will, Barn Swallow, turtles
(including Eastern Musk, Snapping, Midland Painted, and Blanding’s) and offers
protection to at-risk vegetation such as Butternut and Purple-stemmed Cliffbrake.
Your pledge toward this project will help ensure that Rideau Waterway Land Trust
has the financial ability to secure the property and have the endowment funds to
protect it forever.
Help us preserve this biodiverse area around Whitefish Lake and provide a natural
space for people to enjoy for generations to come!
The Rideau Waterway Land Trust has been protecting ecologically significant land
in the Rideau Corridor since its establishment in 1996 and currently owns 21
properties. A registered charity, it also receives American donations through
American Friends of Canadian Conservation. For more information about this and
other RWLT projects contact board chair, John Grass ( or Executive
Director Sara Warren-Roberts (
Whitefish Lake Nature Reserve
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